The Nativity Story - The Wise Men from the East
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Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

King Herod: Your is by the hand of Providence. For years I have studied the words of the prophets. "Out of Bethlehem shall come a ruler who shall my people, Israel."

Melchior: Your Excellency, I, too, have studied these words. I have waited a for the signs I now see.

King Herod: As have many. This , the one that you have followed tell me, what does it mean?

Balthasar: The speaks of a child.

Gaspar: Heralded by the star we have these many months.

King Herod: What do you mean, a child? Are you not here a man? A man ready to himself Messiah?

Melchior: No. A child. A Messiah for the of men to the highest of kings.

King Herod: We, too, have been for God's king.

Herod’s son: For years.

King Herod: When you find him, please return to us so that we may come him as well.

Melchior: The greatest of kings, born in the most of places. God made into flesh. Gold for the king of kings.

Balthasar: Frankincense for the of all priests.

Gaspar: A gift of myrrh to honour thy (your) .

Balthasar: If I am right, and I am, perhaps we should keep what we have seen to ourselves.

Melchior: We shall not to Herod.

True or False Questions: Choose True or False before each statement. If the statement is false, make a correct statement.

  1. The Wise Men came to Herod for information about the new ruler of Israel.
  2. The journey the Wise Men made was not a long journey.
  3. They were led by a cloud on their journey.
  4. King Herod felt the new ruler was someone ready to replace him.
  5. The Wise Men gave two gifts to the baby.

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. arrival
  2. humble
  3. low
  4. priest
  5. proclaim
  6. prophecy
  7. sacrifice
  8. seek
  9. usually
  10. worship
  • a. below something else in level
  • b. a person who has the authority to lead or perform ceremonies in some religions and especially in some Christian religions
  • c. to announce a decision
  • d. to suffer loss, pain, or injury to achieve a goal
  • e. to look for something or someone.
  • f. the act of coming to or reaching a place, the act of arriving
  • g. a word that describes what happens or exists most of the time or in most cases
  • h. the act of showing respect and love for God especially by praying with other people who believe in the same
  • i. a statement that something will happen in the future
  • j. not proud, not thinking of yourself as better than other people

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. They are eagerly awaiting the of their second child.
  2. The 18-year-old girl her independence and left her parents.
  3. He comes from a background. His dad was a factory worker.
  4. The land is in this area; it is near sea level.
  5. Buddhist wear brightly colored robes, but Catholic ones dress in black.
  6. A prophet made a that the government would fall.
  7. The father worked hard and made a lot of money, but he his health.
  8. The police are a woman in a blond wig and a blue dress.
  9. It's colder than this in January.
  10. Most churches in Toronto hold services on Sundays.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. What did Melchior say he had studied?
  2. What had everyone been waiting for, for many years?
  3. What word spoken by the Wise Men really surprised King Herod?
  4. Do you think King Herod honestly wanted to worship the baby?
  5. Why would Balthasar say Jesus was going to be a kind of priest?
  6. How did Gaspar’s words about sacrifice come true?
  7. Why did the Wise men decide not to return to Herod?
  8. Melchior described Jesus as, "God made into flesh." Why do you think God, the maker of the universe, would choose to come into the world as a person like you and me? How does this make you feel?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa