The Chosen – Lesson 8 – Jesus Heals the Man by the Pool
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Watch and Discuss:

Watch a video clip from Season 2, episode 4: (Based on John chapter 5, verses 1–14 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the entrance to the pool area where many sick people were lying?
  2. How many of Jesus’s followers were with Him; how many men in black robes did they walk past?
  3. What was wrong with the sick man?
  4. How did he show that he suddenly had physical feeling in his leg?
  5. What did one of Jesus’s followers take out of his bag and start to do?
  6. What did the man pick up and take with him when he left?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:

Jesus: Shalom.

Man: Me?

Jesus: Yes.

Man: Shalom.

Jesus: I have a for you.

Man: For me? I don't have many answers, but I'm listening.

Jesus: Do you want to be ?

Man: Who are You?

Jesus: We'll get to that later. But my question .

Man: Will You take me to the ? Look, I'm having a really bad day.

Jesus: You've been having a day for a long time. So... ?

Man: Sir, I have no one to help me into the water when it's up. And when I do get close... the others down in front of me... and so--

Jesus: Look at Me... look at Me. That's not what I . I'm not asking you about who's helping you, or who's not helping, or who's getting in your way. I'm asking about you.

Man: I've .

Jesus: For a long time, I know. And you don't want hope again, I understand. But this has nothing for you, it means nothing, and you know it. But you're still here. Why?

Man: I don't know.

Jesus: You don't need this . You only need Me. So... do you want to be healed?

Jesus: So, let's go. Get up, up your mat, and walk.

Man: Who-- ??

Simon Peter: Time for you to walk, like He said. Don't forget your .

Man: Why does this ?

Simon Peter: Because you're not coming back here. That life is . Everything changes now.

Vocabulary Exercises:

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. bed
  2. false
  3. matter
  4. over
  5. pick
  6. pool
  7. remain
  8. stir
  • a. Finished
  • b. Completely untrue
  • c. A small area specially made and filled with water for people to swim or sit and relax next to
  • d. To continue to be in the same state or condition
  • e. To make a liquid or substance move slightly
  • f. To be important; to have an effect on what happens
  • g. Lift something
  • h. A piece of furniture that you sleep on

Completion Exercise:

Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)

  1. The score is tied, and there are only fifteen minutes .
  2. When my phone rang during the class, I it up and turned it off.
  3. I’m so glad the final exams are ; now I can relax.
  4. We spent most of our vacation relaxing by the hotel .
  5. We have a spare room with a for overnight guests.
  6. He gave and misleading statements to the court.
  7. She her coffee with a plastic spoon.
  8. It doesn’t what you wear to the job interview, as long as you look neat and tidy.

Discussion Questions:

  1. From his conversation with Jesus, why had the man come to this pool a long time ago?
  2. What was the man trusting in to make him healthy and well again?
  3. Why had he never got into the pool at the time he needed to?
  4. Jesus described the man’s hope that the pool could make him well as a false hope. Have you ever had a hope in someone or something that turned out to be a false hope? What are some “false hopes” people can have these days?
  5. Where did Jesus say the man should put his hope?
  6. Why did Peter remind the man to not forget his mat?
  7. After healing the man, Jesus walked away quite suddenly. Do you think the man ever knew who Jesus was? Why or why not?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries – | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa