The Chosen – Lesson 7 – Jesus Calls Matthew
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Watch and Discuss:

Watch a video clip from Season 1, episode 7: (Based on Luke chapter 5, verses 27–29 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the place where Matthew worked. What did he do?
  2. Who was the man standing beside Matthew’s workplace? Why do you think he was there?
  3. What fruits and vegetables did you see in the clip?
  4. About how many others were walking through the market with Jesus this day?
  5. What did Matthew give to Gaius before he left work?
  6. Do you think the other disciples were happy when Jesus invited Matthew to join them? Explain.

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:

Gaius: Did you see the Parthian foot races last night? Darius ran like a .

Matthew: Jews don’t go to foot races.

Gaius: Your old friend Simon himself used to run the tables.

Matthew: We’re not friends. Next.

Gaius: Okay, fine, so you did not go to the races. You stay home?

Matthew: I went to see my .

Gaius: That would me out, too. She ask when you’re going to give her grandchildren?

Matthew: She didn’t ask.

Gaius: I thought your parents don’t speak to you.

Matthew: I had questions I couldn’t ask anyone else.

Gaius: A mother of a son with like yours should be proud.

Matthew: She’s that I would use the talent that God gave me against God. Next.

Gaius: You’re good at something. You found a way to make a living doing it. It’s that simple.

Matthew: It must be nice to live in a world so ordered.

Gaius: We live in the same world, Matthew. Besides, what else are you going to do with a mind like yours?

Jesus: Matthew? Matthew son of Alphaeus.

Matthew: Yes.

Jesus: me.

Matthew: Me?

Jesus: Yes, you.

Simon Peter: What? What are you doing?

Matthew: You want me to join you?

Gaius: Keep moving, street .

Simon Peter: Do you have any idea what this guy has done? Do you even know him?

Jesus: Yes.

Gaius: Listen! I said to you... what are you doing? Where do you think you're going?

Matthew: Gaius, let me go.

Gaius: Have you lost your mind? You have money. Quintus you. No Jew lives as good as you. You're going to throw it all away?

Matthew: Yes.

Simon Peter: I don't get it.

Jesus: You didn't get it when I you either.

Simon Peter: But this is different. I'm not a collector.

Jesus: Get used to different. I'm glad we passed by your today, Matthew.

Matthew: Yes.

Jesus: Shall we... We have a to prepare for.

Gaius: You will this, Matthew.

Simon Peter: What's the tablet for?

Matthew: I it without thinking. I can put it back?

Jesus: No, no keep it. You may yet find for it.

Matthew: Where are we going?

Mary Magdalene: A dinner .

Matthew: I'm not at dinner parties.

Jesus: Well, that's not going to be a problem tonight. You're the !

Vocabulary Exercises:

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. ashamed
  2. booth
  3. celebration
  4. host
  5. regret
  6. talent
  7. tax
  8. wager
  • a. To feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it
  • b. An amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, and it is used to pay for public services
  • c. An agreement in which you win or lose money according to the result of something such as a race; bet
  • d. Feeling shame or guilt
  • e. A natural ability to do something well
  • f. An enjoyable occasion or party to show something is important
  • g. Someone who has invited guests to a party and who provides the food
  • h. A small enclosed area or shelter where things are sold or services are provided

Completion Exercise:

Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)

  1. Sadly, she inherited none of her father’s musical .
  2. I have always giving up my piano lessons.
  3. Homeowners in Toronto are upset that the city property have increased again.
  4. There’s a special tonight to mark the school’s 50th anniversary.
  5. Brad a lot of money on the baseball game last night.
  6. We got hot dogs at one of the food at the farmer’s market.
  7. She was that she hit her little brother.
  8. Our welcomed us at the door.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Where had Gaius been the night before? Where had Matthew been?
  2. What did Gaius say about Simon Peter? What did Matthew say about him?
  3. Why was Matthew’s mother ashamed of her son?
  4. Why do you think Gaius’s job was to stand next to Matthew’s Tax booth?
  5. What talent do you think Gaius was talking about when he said Matthew had talent?
  6. According to Gaius, what were some of the benefits Matthew enjoyed as a tax collector?
  7. Why do you think Jesus told Matthew to keep his tablet?
  8. Why do you think Matthew left everything to follow Jesus?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries – | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa