The Chosen – Lesson 6 – Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
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Watch and Discuss:

Watch a video clip from Season 1, episode 6: (Based on Luke chapter 5, verses 17–27 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the woman who spoke to Jesus from the roof?
  2. How did the sick man’s friends get him into the room where Jesus was? Why did they have to do this?
  3. What was the sick man’s problem?
  4. Who was sitting on a nearby roof watching this event?
  5. What were roofs made of in those days? Describe some of the things people kept on their roofs.
  6. How did the sick man leave the house that day?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:

Egyptian Woman: Jesus of Nazareth! I saw what you did to the on the road this morning. My friend has been since childhood. He has no hope but You. Please, do for him what You did for the leper.

Various voices: What on earth…? That's our roof! Put it back, man.

Egyptian Woman: If you are willing, Rabbi, I you can do this.

Simon Peter: (speaking to Matthew) Is this what you wanted? Get out your , at least. Mary! Is He in ?

Mary: I don't know. No, I don't think so.

Simon Peter: He’s got in there?

Mary: Yes.

Simon Peter: Can you we're really here for this?

Mary: Yes.

Pharisee: You. By whose do you teach? Answer me!

Egyptian Woman: If you are , Rabbi, You know you can.

Pharisee: Hey! I'm talking to you! By whom do You teach? Certainly not the authority of any rabbi from Nazareth! Where did You study?

Jesus: Your faith is . Son, take heart. Your sins are forgiven.

Jesus: “Who is this who speaks ? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Right? But I ask you -- which is easier to say? “Your are forgiven”, or, “Rise up and walk”? It's easy to say anything, no? But… to you, and so that you may know that the Son of Man has the authority on earth to sins... I say to you, My son, rise, pick up your bed, and go home.

Easy does it.

Man: Thank you.

Jesus: Now go on.

Vocabulary Exercises:

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. authority
  2. beautiful
  3. blasphemy
  4. danger
  5. forgive
  6. paralyzed
  7. sin
  8. tablet
  • a. Something that shows you do not respect God or a religion
  • b. To decide not to be angry with someone or not to punish them for something they have done
  • c. Unable to move all or part of one’s body
  • d. The possibility that someone or something will be harmed or killed, or that something bad will happen
  • e. Official power to make decisions or to control other people
  • f. Paper fastened together for writing or drawing on; a notepad
  • g. Very attractive
  • h. Something that you should not do because you know it is wrong

Completion Exercise:

Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)

  1. He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in .
  2. These days computers often take the place of the old paper notebooks.
  3. In some countries today, you can face charges if you show disrespect for their religion.
  4. The police officers were given the to shoot, but only if nothing else worked.
  5. In the moonlight, she looked even more .
  6. I said I was sorry, but I don't think she'll ever me.
  7. He was from the waist down by polio.
  8. never ends well. It always leads to suffering of one kind or another.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How long had the man been unable to walk?
  2. How did the Egyptian woman know Jesus could heal her friend?
  3. What did Simon Peter tell Matthew to do? Why?
  4. Why were the religious leaders upset with Jesus teaching the people? Describe the tone of their voices when they questioned Jesus.
  5. What name does Jesus give Himself in this passage?
  6. What is Jesus saying about Himself, when He tells the man his sins are forgiven?
  7. Discuss the various reactions you saw on the faces of the people who saw this miracle.
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries – | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa