The Chosen – Lesson 3 – Jesus Heals Simon Peter's Mother-in-Law
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Watch and Discuss:

Watch a video clip from Season 1, episode 8: (Based on Luke chapter 4, verses 38–39 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. What was wrong with Eden’s mother?
  2. Describe the clothing Eden is wearing.
  3. What food items do you see in the video clip?
  4. What was Simon Peter holding in his hand when he came into the house?
  5. What side of the bed did Jesus sit on, the left or the right?
  6. What happened to Eden’s mother?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:

Dasha: Where is Simon? Can he build us a ?

Eden: He's away, Eema.

Dasha: ?

Eden: No, something else. Lie still. Jesus? I-I wasn't expecting you here.

Jesus: People usually aren't.

Eden: Can I get you something warm to drink? I was just stoking the fire...

Jesus: You saw it first, you know?

Eden: What do you mean?

Jesus: What I see in Simon. You were the first person to , when no one else did. That connects us.

Eden: My mother said I was to his wildness, and that I would it.

Jesus: I wonder what she would say now?

Simon Peter: We're going into town to these nets. We'll be right back.

Jesus: Stay here a moment, Simon.

Simon Peter: I just want to leave some extra money for Eden and Eema while I'm away.

Jesus: Put your down, and go sit with your mother-in-law. It’s all right.

Jesus: I told Simon to make and leave things behind in order to follow me. You are one flesh with Simon. He cannot make sacrifices that are not also yours. You have a to play in all of this.

Eden: Do I?

Jesus: You will know in time. I can't make everything about this for you.

Eden: That wouldn't be our people's way.

Jesus: No. It has not been... nor will it to be. But I see you. Do you understand? I know it is not easy to be at home when your is out doing all of... this, even when you're excited about it and of him. So, I wouldn't ask you to do this without taking care of a few things.

Eden: You mean...

Jesus: Plus, normal Simon is difficult enough, you think I want to travel with a Simon?

Eden: No.

Jesus: No. I do not.

Simon Peter: The fever's . Her forehead burns my hand to the touch. We should get a doctor.

Jesus: There is no need. her.

Dasha: Who are You?

Andrew: This is Jesus of Nazareth.

Simon Peter: You've never Him before.

Dasha: Welcome to my son-in-law's home.

Jesus: Thank you.

Dasha: What am I doing lying here...

Andrew: You had a terrible .

Dasha: And all of you down...

Andrew: Dasha, don't...

Dasha: No one move. I'll be right back with some .

Andrew: Andrew, be a dear and come this fire.

Andrew: Coming.

Dasha: Let's see... Rye and butter for Simon, arils… goat cheese….

Eden: Thank you. Thank you.

Dasha: Does your friend like cheese?

Jesus: Yes, I love goat cheese. Maybe I should... yeah... see about the goat cheese.

Eden: Thank you.

Simon Peter: Me? For what?

Eden: For and following Him. It brought Him here.

Dasha: Simon! Nectarines or ?

Vocabulary Exercises:

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. draw
  2. fever
  3. regret
  4. role
  5. sacrifice
  6. spike
  7. stoke
  8. worried
  • a. A part or job a person takes in a group
  • b. Give up something valuable for a specific purpose
  • c. To feel troubled or anxious
  • d. A higher-than-normal body temperature usually due to infection
  • e. To add fuel to a fire
  • f. A sudden sharp increase
  • g. To attract
  • h. To feel sorry for something you have done

Completion Exercise:

Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)

  1. Please cut more wood. We need to the campfire.
  2. When he got married, he had to get used to the of husband.
  3. She feels about her children’s safety at school.
  4. He that he got angry with his son.
  5. Parents make many to pay for their children’s university education.
  6. Tim missed class because he had a and a terrible headache.
  7. Teenagers are to horror movies. They like to experience fear without real danger.
  8. The prices of houses in Toronto a few years ago.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What did Jesus say created a connection between Himself and Eden?
  2. How did Simon Peter’s mother-in-law feel about Simon Peter?
  3. What was Simon Peter planning to do with the nets? Why?
  4. How did Eden feel about Simon Peter’s decision to give up fishing and be a follower of Jesus?
  5. How did Jesus make Simon Peter’s mother-in-law well again?
  6. What did Simon Peter’s mother-in-law do after she got well?
  7. What does this story show us about Jesus?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries – | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa