The Chosen – Lesson 2 – Jesus Calls Simon Peter, James and John
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Watch and Discuss:

Watch a video clip from Season 1, episode 4: (Based on Luke chapter 5, verses 1–11 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. Where did this event take place? Describe the weather that day.
  2. How many people were in the boat, and how many were watching from the shore?
  3. What colour was the dog in the clip?
  4. Why did the boat nearly sink?
  5. Describe the clothing worn by the man with the dog.

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:

Jesus: Put that down for a catch, a little out.

Simon Peter: I don't have a with you, teacher, but we've been doing this all night. Nothing. All right, at your word.

Simon Peter: Grab it! Grab the net! it, quick! Take that side. Help! Help, come on! Help! Help!

Zebedee: Let's go. Let's go!

Simon Peter: Help us push. Help us push.

Zebedee: This way. Pull up.

Simon Peter: Pull up. Pull, pull, pull, pull. Push it. Pull. Hold on! Pull.

John: The net's breaking!

Zebedee: Pull hard! This way.

Andrew: Simon, I told you. I told you. I told you.

Zebedee: The boat. It's . Get out! You need to get out.

Simon Peter: My brother and the Baptizer, they ... You are the Lamb of God, yes?

Jesus: I am.

Simon Peter: from me. I am a sinful man. You don't know who I am and with the things I've done...

Jesus: Don't be afraid, Simon.

Simon Peter: I'm sorry. We've waited for you for so long. We’ve believed, but my ... I'm sorry.

Jesus: Lift up your head, fisherman.

Simon Peter: What do you want from me? Anything you ask, I will do.

Jesus: Follow me.

Simon Peter: I will.

Andrew: Rabbi.

Jesus: You as well! Yes, you, James and John, come follow me.

Zebedee: I'll take the fish into market and settle up Simon's . I'll get some help to fill both of these boats.

John: Are you sure?

Zebedee: Yes! Go!

James: What will you tell Eema?

Zebedee: You've just been called by the man we prayed for our lives. And you ask me what will I say when you miss supper? Go! Now.

Simon Peter: So, you're sure you don't want to do this just a few more times? What? We'd make a great on a boat.

Andrew: Simon!

Simon Peter: !

Jesus: Fish are nothing. You have much bigger things ahead of you, Simon, son of Jonah. Did you understand that I told earlier? From now on I will make you fishers of men, and you are to as many as possible, all kinds. I will them out later.

Vocabulary Exercises:

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. debt
  2. depart
  3. farther
  4. grab
  5. quarrel
  6. settle up
  7. sort out
  8. tilt
  • a. To take quickly and roughly
  • b. A feeling that someone is wronging you
  • c. To pay someone money owed
  • d. To leave; to move away from
  • e. To separate things
  • f. To lean or bend from a vertical or upright position
  • g. An amount of money owed to another person
  • h. More distant

Completion Exercise:

Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)

  1. Tom the white laundry from the coloured.
  2. Bela has a with her company; they are not paying her enough.
  3. Bob moved away from the table and stood up.
  4. The computer operator the screen into a more comfortable position.
  5. Shirley has a of $50 to a friend.
  6. A thief Ann’s purse and ran away.
  7. Let’s . I’ll pay you for the meal you bought.
  8. The plane to Edmonton will in 30 minutes.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why was Simon Peter not sure about taking Jesus’s fishing advice at the start of the clip?
  2. Who became a follower of Jesus first, Simon Peter or his brother Andrew? Explain the reason for your choice.
  3. How many people did Jesus call to follow Him that day?
  4. What do you think it means to follow Jesus?
  5. Who was going to sell the fish they caught, and what was he going to do with the money?
  6. How did Zebedee feel about his sons leaving his fishing business and following Jesus? Why?
  7. What are some different kinds of longings that people have?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries – | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa