The Chosen – Lesson 10 – Jesus Raises Jairus’s Daughter from Death
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Watch and Discuss:

Watch a video clip from Season 3, episode 5: (Based on Mark chapter 5, verses 35–43 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. Describe what you saw of the town in this clip.
  2. How many people were playing music, crying and repeating a name in Jairus’s house?
  3. Where was Jairus’s wife? Was she glad to see him? Where was Jairus’s daughter?
  4. What did Jesus do before he reached out and took the girl’s hand?
  5. What happened to Jairus’s daughter?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:

Jairus: Looks like I indeed came to the right man.

Jesus: Well, between you and her, it's quite a big day of faith.

Jairus: It's just up ahead. Do you hear that? No! What is this?

Rabbi Akiva: Jairus, while you were gone--

Jairus: No! Why do I hear and flutes? I said not to do that; she was sick!

Rabbi Akiva: Your daughter passed away. We had to make quickly.

Jairus: No, no, I went to find the ! He was going to heal her!

Rabbi Akiva: I know who You are. Let's not trouble Him anymore. Michal is with Nili's body.

Jairus: No! No! I was getting Jesus! I went as as I could!

Jesus: Do not be afraid. Only . She will be well.

Rabbi Akiva: Jairus. Jairus! Let's go in! Please stay here; we will--

Jesus: She will be well. All of you, stop it! I said stop! What are you doing?

First Mourner: There's a girl.

Second Mourner: She's dead.

Jesus: Go away, for she isn't dead, but .

Rabbi Akiva: What is all this laughing?

Flutist: He said she's only asleep.

Second Mourner: What a thing to say.

John: Do you know Who you're taking to?

Rabbi Akiva: If you were a of the family, I would invite you in to see just how dead she is. What are you? A ? Shame on you for saying such a thing!

Jesus: Everyone out.

Jairus: You heard Him!

Jesus: Boys, take everyone outside.

Flutist: We were paid to play!

Rabbi Akiva: You listen to me. Right now!!

Other Rabbi: Come, let's give them a .

Jairus: Michal.

Michal: Where were you?!

Jairus: I was finding this Man.

Michal: She is dead, and you were gone! Why would you just leave us like this?

Jairus: Please trust me! Please trust me and Him!

Michal: For what? For what?

Jairus: Please.

Michal: I know. No. No.

Jairus: Shh-shh-shh.

Michal: No. What is He doing?

Jairus: Just please, please.

Jesus: Little lamb, arise.

Michal: Oh! Oh! Nili, my love! Oh, thank you. Are you okay? You're okay! Oh, my love. Thank you! She's okay.

Jesus: Everyone in this room, please listen to me carefully. Simon, James, John, Jairus, Michal, and Nili, none of you are to say a word about this to anyone under any . Do I make Myself clear? No one, not even to the others.

Everyone: Yes, Rabbi.

Jesus: It is not yet time for the that will result. None of you need the . Not all of it will be good.

Jairus: Whatever you we shall do.

Jesus: Nili, you must be .

Michal: How can I thank you? I don't what you did, but...

Jesus: You're welcome. Let's just get Nili something to eat first, okay?

Vocabulary Exercises:

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. arrangements
  2. attention
  3. commotion
  4. cruel
  5. mourner
  6. necromancer
  7. ridiculous
  8. trust
  • a. Sudden noisy activity
  • b. Someone who attends a funeral and expresses sadness
  • c. Very silly or unreasonable
  • d. A person who practices evil magic
  • e. Plans and preparations that you must make so that something can happen
  • f. To strongly believe in the honesty, goodness of someone or something
  • g. Making someone suffer or feel unhappy
  • h. Interest that people show in someone or something

Completion Exercise:

Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)

  1. Hundreds of attended the funeral of the young woman killed in the car accident.
  2. It was to lock the dog in the garage all day.
  3. I thought Bill’s plan to go camping in the winter was really .
  4. In spite of her many difficulties, her in God was never shaken.
  5. We heard a downstairs and ran down to see what was happening.
  6. Before every trip, there are many travel we need to make.
  7. Because there were dead people he wanted to contact, Frank searched online for a .
  8. When his old contract ended, Ohtani attracted the of many other baseball teams.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What was the name of the girl who was raised from death?
  2. Why was Jairus not with his family when his daughter died?
  3. What sounds did they hear as they got near to Jairus’s house?
  4. What happens when someone died in the culture at the time of Jesus? Compare it with your culture now.
  5. What did Jesus say when the mourners said the girl was dead?
  6. What did Jairus ask his wife to do after she met Jesus?
  7. Why did Jesus tell everyone in the house not to tell anyone about this miracle?
  8. Why do you think Jesus brought Simon Peter, James and John into the room with Him?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries – | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa