The Chosen – Lesson 1 – Young Jesus at the Temple
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Watch and Discuss:

Watch a video clip from Season 1, episode 5: (Based on Luke chapter 1, verses 41–52 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:

  1. Where does the scene take place? When?
  2. What different animals did you see in the video clip?
  3. What do you see a young woman carrying, and what do you see other people doing?
  4. Describe what Mary was wearing. Describe her emotions.
  5. Who found Jesus and brought Him to Mary?
  6. What important building was near the place they met?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:

Mary: Please, have you seen…

Man: Why are you alone woman?

Mary: …my son. He’s only . He’s...

Man: I see kids all over. It’s Jerusalem. Are you from here?

Mary: No. We came for the Passover . We thought he was in the caravan.

Man: The feast was days ago.

Mary: Jesus, Jesus.

Joseph: Mary!

Jesus: Eema!

Mary: We looked everywhere, day and night. We were so .

Joseph: I told Him. He’s okay.

Jesus: Why is everyone so ?

Joseph: Mary, He was in the…

Mary: You were supposed to be riding in the with uncle Abijah.

Jesus: I was supposed to be with my Father.

Mary: Then why weren’t you?

Jesus: I was.

Mary: You were in the ?

Joseph: It was , Mary. You should have seen Him. He was teaching when I found Him. The rabbis, the scribes, the … they could not believe their ears. They barely let us leave.

Jesus: Didn’t you know I must be in my Father’s house?

Mary: It is too for all this.

Jesus: If not now, when?

Mary: Just help us get through all this with you. Please.

Joseph: Maybe we should get going before they make a formal . Jesus, please don’t do that again, huh?

Jesus: Yes, abba. May I read?

Joseph: We’ll see. Come, now, we have got a long . What are you going to do for your mother for this , huh? I’m going to make Him rub your feet!

Jesus: Abba!

Vocabulary Exercises:

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

  1. caravan
  2. incredible
  3. inquiry
  4. scared
  5. scholar
  6. temple
  7. transgression
  8. upset
  • a. An investigation
  • b. A person of great learning, usually in a particular subject
  • c. A building for worship
  • d. Bad behaviour, going beyond the limits, crossing the line
  • e. A group of people making a trip together
  • f. Troubled, distressed
  • g. A feeling of fear; frightened
  • h. Wonderful, fabulous

Completion Exercise:

Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)

  1. A large crowed entered the to worship.
  2. My English teacher is a of Shakespeare’s works.
  3. Tom was really by the bad news of the forest fire in his home town.
  4. The boy lied and cheated, but his mother forgave his .
  5. We had a(n) time on our vacation in Hawaii.
  6. A citizen’s group made a(n) into police behaviour.
  7. A of merchants and their camels crossed the desert.
  8. The little boy felt when his sister locked him in a dark closet.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How old was Jesus when this event happened?
  2. Why did Jesus and His parents go to Jerusalem?
  3. How long had He been separated from His parents?
  4. Where had He been? Where did His parents think he was?
  5. When you were young, did you ever get separated from your parents? What happened? How did you feel? How did your parents feel?
  6. What words did Jesus use to describe the Temple in Jerusalem and what word did He use to describe God?
  7. What was very surprising to Joseph when he finally found Jesus?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries – | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa