Watch and Discuss:
Watch a video clip from Season 1, episode 5: (Based on Luke chapter 1, verses 41–52 in the Bible). As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions:
Listening Practice:
Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the box on the right:
Mary: Please, have you seen…
Man: Why are you alone woman?
Mary: …my son. He’s only . He’s...
Man: I see kids all over. It’s Jerusalem. Are you from here?
Mary: No. We came for the Passover . We thought he was in the caravan.
Man: The feast was days ago.
Mary: Jesus, Jesus.
Joseph: Mary!
Jesus: Eema!
Mary: We looked everywhere, day and night. We were so .
Joseph: I told Him. He’s okay.
Jesus: Why is everyone so ?
Joseph: Mary, He was in the…
Mary: You were supposed to be riding in the with uncle Abijah.
Jesus: I was supposed to be with my Father.
Mary: Then why weren’t you?
Jesus: I was.
Mary: You were in the ?
Joseph: It was , Mary. You should have seen Him. He was teaching when I found Him. The rabbis, the scribes, the … they could not believe their ears. They barely let us leave.
Jesus: Didn’t you know I must be in my Father’s house?
Mary: It is too for all this.
Jesus: If not now, when?
Mary: Just help us get through all this with you. Please.
Joseph: Maybe we should get going before they make a formal . Jesus, please don’t do that again, huh?
Jesus: Yes, abba. May I read?
Joseph: We’ll see. Come, now, we have got a long . What are you going to do for your mother for this , huh? I’m going to make Him rub your feet!
Jesus: Abba!
Vocabulary Exercises:
Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
Completion Exercise:
Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of some words)
Discussion Questions: