The Bible - Lesson 9 - Moses / Part 4
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Watch and Discuss:

As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions after you watch the video:

  1. In which hand did Moses carry his staff?
  2. Why was Moses so serious in the way he spoke?
  3. On what parts of their doorways did the Israelites paint? What did they use as paint?
  4. What happened to Pharaoh’s son?
  5. What were Pharaoh’s last words to Moses?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

Aron: Moses, what is Pharaoh’s answer? Surely he will see now.

Moses: No. He refuses.

Aron: Again?

Elder: , Moses, before it's too late.

Moses: God will keep on doing this until Pharaoh .

Joshua: What's wrong?

Moses: Soon there will be a final .

The angel of death is coming. Every firstborn son will die.

Miriam: No.

Joshua: But not us. Why would he us?

Moses: Death is coming for us all.

Elder: Why us?

Moses: Friends! We can be God's vengeance, but only if we do exactly as he tells us.

Joshua: Don't . Every single house must be marked with blood.

Narrator: The Israelites lamb's blood on their doorways identifying them as God's people.

Aaron: We promised God would free our people. But now he sends us death.

Moses: We must trust in him.

Joshua: it's coming.

Joshua’s son: Will we be ?

Joshua: Don't be afraid, my son.

Moses: God have .

Joshua: Pharaoh has not listened. Whatever happens to his people is now .

Moses: Once I counted them as my people, Joshua. Our freedom comes at a .

Narrator: The angel of death finds every Israelite house painted with blood and passes over.

Pharaoh: Why? Why? Why should Israelite slaves have life when my son is dead? Get up. Get up. Go! And leave my land! And take your God with you!

Aaron: Pack up. Get ready. Come on. Good.

Moses: We are going to fulfill Abraham's with God. We're going to live in the Promised Land with descendants as numerous as the stars.

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. give up
  2. mercy
  3. pack up
  4. pay a price
  5. sense
  6. spare
  7. spill
  8. wretched
  • a. to prepare to leave
  • b. to suffer something unpleasant in order to gain something else
  • c. to save or prevent someone from being harmed
  • d. to cause or allow a liquid to fall from its container
  • e. hateful, despicable
  • f. to stop doing something
  • g. intelligence, good judgment
  • h. forgiveness, willingness to let someone avoid punishment

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. After the convention, we and left the hotel.
  2. If you had any , you would get a better job.
  3. The governor showed to the dying prisoner and let him go free.
  4. The enemy soldier didn't shoot me; he my life.
  5. I smoking last year.
  6. He is a man for abandoning his wife and children.
  7. He paid a high in unhappiness when he left his wife for another woman.
  8. I my coffee as I carried it to the table.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. What did Joshua mean when he said, “Whatever happens to his people is now on his (Pharaoh’s) head?
  2. Who was the angel of death coming for?
  3. Why didn’t any Israelites die when the angel of death came?
  4. What did Moses mean when he said, “Our freedom comes at a price”?
  5. People who follow the Jewish religion still remember this event every year in a festival named Passover. Explain why it is called Passover.
  6. Thousands of years later, in Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, Jesus was put to death on a cross during the Passover festival. Why do you think Christians describe Jesus as, “Our Passover Lamb”.
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa