The Bible - Lesson 3 - Abraham / Part 2
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Read the introduction and ask about anything you do not understand.

After leaving his home country and settling in the land God promised to give him, Abraham and his people grew and became wealthy. Eventually, there were so many people and animals that in order to avoid fighting between their households, Abraham and his nephew, Lot, decided to separate and settle in different parts of the land. God had been good to Abraham. He was living in a land with abundant resources, but God's promise that he would have many descendants was becoming more and more difficult to believe because Abraham and his wife Sarah were now well past the time they could naturally have children.

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

Sarah: Abraham. Come .

Abraham: The stars.

Sarah: Abraham?

Abraham: The stars. All of them. them.

Sarah: Abraham.

Abraham: Count them. Count them. Our who made the stars, will give us as many descendants to our land. He has promised.

You will have a child.

Sarah: I won't.

Abraham: You will!

Sarah: I won't! I can't. It's too late for me.

For you, there's still a . Her, Hagar, the servant girl.

Abraham: No. No, No, No. No.

Sarah: Yes.

Abraham (14 Years Later): Hold it , Ishmael. Sarah, did you see that? Did you see that? Oh, my boy! My boy!

Sarah: "My boy." Your boy.

Abraham: Go with your .

The Visitor: Abraham.

Abraham: Welcome, Lord. Please... Join me. Bring . Prepare food for our visitors.

Servant Woman: Yes, master.

Abraham: Have you far?

Man: Yes. A long way. Abraham, where is your ?

Abraham: In there.

The Visitor: Next year, Sarah will have a son.

Why do you ?

Sarah: I did not laugh.

The Visitor: You did. And when you have a son, you will him Isaac, which means "laughter."

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. chance
  2. count
  3. creator
  4. inside
  5. laughter
  6. populate
  7. promise
  8. steady
  • a. the sound of laughing
  • b. the part (of a building) within walls
  • c. hold firm
  • d. to say numbers in order
  • e. to commit to something
  • f. a person who creates something
  • g. to fill an area with people
  • h. an opportunity

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. She to repay my $50.- next week.
  2. Settlers from Europe many parts of North and South America.
  3. The of the house looks better than the outside.
  4. Their three-year-old daughter is so smart she can to 20.
  5. from the audience inspired the comedian.
  6. I had the to go to San Francisco on vacation.
  7. He was the of five television shows many years ago.
  8. He held the ladder to it while his friend fixed the light in the ceiling.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. Why was Abraham looking at the night sky? What had God promised him?
  2. Why did Sarah say she would not have a child?
  3. Why do you think Abraham accepted Sarah's idea and had a child with Hagar?
  4. What was the child's name?
  5. How do you think Sarah felt after Hagar had a son?
  6. Who do you think the visitors were? Explain your answer.
  7. What news did the visitor give to Abraham and Sarah?
  8. What were they to name their son? Why?
  9. What problems do you think will come into the family if Sarah has a son?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa