Lesson 4 – The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
dark mode

Read the introduction and ask about anything you do not understand.
The Jewish land, the Jewish people - the Jewish nation was under Roman rule. The people suffered greatly. They were oppressed by cruel masters and overtaxed by Herod their greedy king. Those who spoke out were crushed. The people craved a saviour, a messiah, one to make them free, but instead they got a new Roman governor, Pontius Pilate.

Watch and Discuss: Scene 6 (17:50 - 21:20):

As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions after you watch the video:

  1. Where does this part of the story take place?
  2. What colour were the banners hanging on the walls outside the palace?
  3. Describe what the soldiers are wearing and carrying.
  4. What does Pilate give to Herod? Who is it from?
  5. What are the people sitting at tables doing?
  6. What animals did you see in this clip?
  7. Who became a follower of Jesus this day?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

Herod: Greetings, Prefect. Welcome to Judaea. I hope your time here will be and peaceful.

Pilate: I intend to make sure it is. From Caesar. Disorder will not be .

Tax Collector: Next. Is that all? Next.

Man: All must be paid in full!

Man: It's all I have.

Tax Collector: Out of here. Take it .

Thomas: We're all Jews. Our own people working for Rome makes me .

Disciple: . Let's move on.

Simon: They're stinking . You should keep your distance from them.

Jesus: Two men went to the to pray, one a Pharisee and the other one, a tax collector. The Pharisee prayed, "God, I thank you that I'm not like other men, thieves, adulterers or this tax ." But the tax collector didn't even look up to Heaven. He said, "God, have mercy on me. Have on me. I'm a sinner."

Matthew: I'm a sinner.

Jesus: God blessed the tax collector, not the Pharisee. Anyone who praises Himself will be humbled, and anyone who himself will be praised. Matthew come.

Simon: See now he even calls the to follow him. One has to wonder of the sins committed by his other followers.

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. collaborate
  2. collector
  3. humble
  4. mercy
  5. prosperous
  6. sinner
  7. tolerate
  8. vermin
  • a. treating a person who deserves punishment in a kind way
  • b. successful in business, flourishing
  • c. to help an enemy
  • d. a person who thinks and/or acts against God’s way
  • e. to allow, put up with something
  • f. small animals that are considered pests, such as mice, rats, and cockroaches:
  • g. not believing that you are important
  • h. a person, business, or government agency that collects objects or money

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. God loves us, and He will forgive even the worst .
  2. Gretzsky was a great hockey player, but he is about his accomplishments.
  3. The army officer with the enemy, giving them information about the battle plans.
  4. He got rid of the in his apartment by putting some traps on the floor.
  5. That family grew as its business grew.
  6. She cannot anyone who does not act as she does.
  7. In Canada, the Canada Revenue Agency is a of taxes.
  8. The judge showed to the prisoner and allowed him to go free.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. What are your impressions of Pilate from this clip? What kind of a leader was he?
  2. Who did the tax collectors work for?
  3. How did Jesus’ disciples (students) feel about tax collectors? Why?
  4. Describe the difference in attitude between the Pharisee and the tax collector in Jesus’ story?
  5. Why do you think Matthew was emotionally touched by the words of Jesus?
  6. How did Matthew respond to the words of Jesus?
  7. Why do you think Jesus would invite a tax collector to join his group of disciples?
  8. What does Jesus teach us about God in this event?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - http://eslministries.org | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa