Lesson 21 - Crucified
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Watch and Discuss: Scenes 31 - 33 (1:51:22 - 2:07:28)

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

Caiaphas: What will the on his cross say, Prefect?

Pilate: Put in Aramaic, Latin and , "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."

Caiaphas: He was never our king. It must read, "This man said, 'I am the King of the Jews.'"

Pilate: It as I've commanded: "The King of the Jews."

Guard: Get away! Get away from him! Come on, move! Come on, hey!

Guard: You! Leave! Leave! Move! Come on, King! Come on!

Pin him up on the cross!

Claudia: You'll live to this.

Pilate: Hardly the first Jew we've killed.

Claudia: He was different. He was by the gods.

Pilate: He thought he was. He'll be in a week.

Antonius: Lift! Get him up there! Steady. ! Come on.

Mary: My son

Pharisee: King of the Jews! Can you see the from there?

Mary Magdalene: Leave him!

Jesus: Father, Father them. For they know not what they do.

Man 1: Aren't you the Messiah? Why don't you yourself and us?

Man 2: Our punishment is , but this man has done nothing wrong. Remember me when you come into your Kingdom.

Jesus: Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in .

Mother, this is your son. John, this is your mother.

My God. My God. Why have You me?

I thirst.

It's finished. Father into Your hands I my spirit.

Pilate: Claudia!

Claudia: This is an !

John: Where were you? You were supposed to be his rock.

Peter: I him. Now I can't ask him to forgive me.

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. commend
  2. forsake
  3. fail
  4. just
  5. omen
  6. pin
  7. regret
  8. steady
  • a. to not succeed
  • b. a sign of something that is going to happen in the future
  • c. to place in someone else's care; entrust
  • d. to fasten or attach with a pin or pins
  • e. to feel guilty about or sorry for something one has done
  • f. well deserved
  • g. firm, stable
  • h. to leave, give up, to abandon

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. The chair is since I fixed it.
  2. Dark clouds in the sky were an of a violent storm about to arrive.
  3. He his homeland and emigrated to a new country. .
  4. He that he had argued with his son.
  5. The criminal was given a punishment.
  6. He a flower to her dress.
  7. In the funeral, the minister the dead man's soul to God.
  8. He his math course and had to repeat it.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. Why did Caiaphas disagree with what Pilate wanted written on the sign to be put on the cross?
  2. What languages was the sign to be written in, and why do you think in those languages?
  3. Why did Claudia think Pilate would regret Killing Jesus?
  4. Why was Pilate completely wrong in what he thought about Jesus?
  5. How many other men were crucified with Jesus?
  6. What promise did Jesus make to one of the men who died with Him that day?
  7. How do we know Jesus did not hate the people who killed Him?
  8. What natural events occurred when Jesus died?
  9. What words of Jesus impress or affect you the most in this lesson? Why?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - http://eslministries.org | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa