Lesson 18 - Denial
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Watch and Discuss: Scenes 26, 27 (1:31:12 - 1:34:12)

As you watch, take notes and be prepared to answer the following questions after you watch the video:

  1. What time of day is it? How do you know? Give three reasons.
  2. What did Judas throw at the feet of Malchus?
  3. How many times did Peter say he didn't know Jesus?
  4. Why do you think Peter acted like this?
  5. How many men came to see Pilate?
  6. From his facial expressions, how do you think Pilate feels about Caiaphas?
  7. Why do you think Pilate agreed to see the prisoner, Jesus?

Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

Malchus: Let it be known, Jesus of Nazareth has been by the Supreme Court of Elders, and he has been found guilty of blasphemy and of threatening to destroy the Temple. The is death!

Judas: You! Take back your money!

Soldier: You. I've seen you before. You know him.

Peter: No. I don't know him.

Soldier: You called him .

Peter: He has nothing to do with me.

Woman: You know him. I've seen you with him.

Peter: I don't know him.

Flashback: Jesus: Peter you will me three times. Don't be afraid.

Malchus: Take him to Pilate.

Soldier: Sir, the High Priest Caiaphas and his are here to see you.

Caiaphas: Prefect, good morning. Prefect, we need your help. We have a dangerous .

Pilate: So? him.

Caiaphas: We cannot. This is a time, when my people celebrate their deliverance from past . He claims to be our king and is whipping up the crowds into a rebellion, a that could tear Jerusalem apart. would not be pleased.

Pilate: His name?

Caiaphas: Jesus of .

Pilate: You better not be my time. I'll see the prisoner.

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. convict
  2. criminal
  3. elder
  4. oppressor
  5. rebellion
  6. sentence
  7. tense
  8. waste
  • a. a person who has authority because of age and experience
  • b. a fight against the people in power
  • c. the punishment given by a court
  • d. a person who commits a serious crime, like theft or murder
  • e. nervous, unable to be relaxed, strained
  • f. using more of something than is necessary
  • g. people who govern or treat others cruelly and unjustly
  • h. to find someone guilty of a crime in a court of law.

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. The young man was put in jail because he led a against the government.
  2. There is a threat of war between those countries. It is a situation.
  3. The town mayor is one of the village .
  4. In some parts of the world, the poorer people continue to suffer at the hands of their upper class .
  5. He has been in prison so many times that he is a career .
  6. He always his money on useless gadgets.
  7. The jury the man of murder.
  8. The murderer was given a of life in prison.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. What crimes did the court of elders convict Jesus of? What was His punishment?
  2. Do you think this was a fair trial and fair punishment? Why or Why not?
  3. What did Judas mean when he said, "Take back your money"? Why do you think he threw it at the feet of Malchus?
  4. How do you think Peter felt when the soldier said, "You know Him"?
  5. How do you think Jesus felt when He heard Peter deny Him?
  6. Why did Caiaphas and the elders want to see Pilate?
  7. Which words of Caiaphas do you think convinced Pilate to see Jesus?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - http://eslministries.org | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa