The Gospel of John Chapter 19, verses 1 - 16
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Listening Practice:

Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:

1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him .

2 The soldiers made a crown out of branches and put it on his head; then they put a purple on him

3 and came to him and said, "Long live the King of the Jews!" And they went up and slapped him.

4 Pilate went back out once more and said to the , "Look, I will bring him out here to you to let you see that I cannot find any to condemn him." "Look! Here is the man!"

5 So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the robe. "Crucify him! Crucify him!" "You take him, then, and crucify him. I find no reason to him."

7 "We have a law that says he ought to die, because he to be the Son of God."

8 When Pilate heard this, he was even more .

9 He went back into the palace and asked Jesus, "Where do you come from?" But Jesus did not answer.

10 "You will not speak to me? Remember, I have the to set you free and also to have you ."

11 "You have authority over me only because it was to you by God. So the man who handed me over to you is guilty of a sin."

12 When Pilate heard this, he tried to find a way to Jesus free. "If you set him free, that means that you are not the friend! Anyone who claims to be a king is a against the Emperor!"

13 When Pilate heard these words, he took Jesus and sat down on the judge's seat in the place called "The Stone ." (In Hebrew the name is " Gabbatha .")

14 It was then almost of the day before the Passover. Pilate said to the people, "Here is your king!"

15 "Kill him! Kill him! Crucify him!" "Do you want me to crucify your ?" "The king we have is the Emperor!"

16 Then Pilate Jesus over to them to be crucified.

Matching exercise: Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. pavement
  2. claim
  3. robe
  4. rebel
  5. judge
  6. emperor
  7. crucify
  8. crowd
  • a. a large group of people close together
  • b. the male ruler of an empire
  • c. a person who fights against a person or against a government
  • d. to nail or tie someone to a cross as punishment
  • e. a statement that something is true
  • f. the covering of cement, tar, etc., on a sidewalk or roadway
  • g. a public official in charge of a court of law who determines what the law is and gives penalties to guilty persons and rewards those who have been wronged
  • h. a type of long, dress-like outer clothing that covers a person from shoulder to foot

Completion exercise: Complete these sentences with words from the exercise above: (Hint: you may need to change the form of the word.)

  1. The ancient Roman Empire was ruled by an .
  2. The police don't believe her that she knows who the thief is.
  3. The on the road is black tar.
  4. Alexander Smith is a on the State Supreme Court.
  5. attacked an army outpost.
  6. The at the football game made a lot of noise.
  7. Judges wear black over their suits.

Comprehension and discussion questions: Discuss these questions in your group or with a partner.

  1. Why did the soldiers make a crown and put it on Jesus' head?
  2. Who wanted to have Jesus crucified?
  3. Who didn't really want to have Jesus crucified?
  4. What words made Pilate feel really afraid?
  5. According to Jesus who was in control of everything that happened that day?
  6. What did the crowd say that forced Pilate to give in to their demands?
  7. What time and on what day did these events take place?
  8. Who did the chief priests say was their king?
Lessons Developed by: Colin Brewster, Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries - | Web Designed by: Ramon Sa