Listening Practice:
Watch the video clip again and fill in the missing words from the dropdown box:
1 After Jesus had said this prayer, he left with his disciples and went across Kidron Brook. There was a in that place, and Jesus and his disciples went in.
2 Judas, the , knew where it was, because many times Jesus had there with his disciples.
3 So Judas went to the garden, taking with him a of Roman soldiers, and some Temple sent by the chief priests and the Pharisees; they were armed and carried and torches.
4 Jesus knew everything that was going to happen to him, so he stepped and asked them, "Who is it you are looking for?"
5 "Jesus of Nazareth" Judas, the traitor, was standing there with them.
6 When Jesus said to them, "I am he," they moved back and to the ground.
7 Again Jesus asked them, "Who is it you are looking for?" "Jesus of "
8 "I have already told you that I am he." "If, then, you are looking for me, let these go.
9 (He said this so that what he had said might come : "Father, I have not lost even one of those you gave me.")
10 Simon Peter, who had a , drew it and struck the High Priest's slave, cutting off his ear. The name of the slave was Malchus .
11 "Put your sword back in its place! Do you think that I will not drink the of suffering which my Father has given me?"
12 Then the Roman soldiers with their officer and the Jewish guards Jesus, tied him up,
13 and took him first to Annas . He was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was High that year.
14 It was Caiaphas who had the Jewish authorities that it was better that one man should for all the people.
True or False Questions: Write True or False before each statement. If the statement is false, make a correct statement.